Field Top Road,
Rastrick, Brighouse,
West Yorkshire, HD6 3XB.
- 01484 728 060
- hello@polarismat.org.uk
The Polaris Multi-Academy Trust, gained its National Support School (NSS) status following the CEO, Steve Evans being designated as a National Leader of Education (NLE). NLE’s are outstanding headteachers who work with schools, often in challenging circumstances, to support school improvement. As a National Support School, Rastrick, as part of the Polaris Academy Trust, is able to deploy its leaders and teaching staff to provide focused support across a range of school improvement areas.
School improvement is at the heart of our work as a trust and National Support School. We pride ourselves on a relentless approach to improving all aspects of school, from teaching and learning through to behaviour management.
We recognise different schools have their own unique circumstances within their community and this needs to be reflected in the support we give at school level. There is no one size fits all approach to school improvement, so strong strategic leadership that takes into account the context of a school is key.
Field Top Road,
Rastrick, Brighouse,
West Yorkshire, HD6 3XB.
Polaris Multi Academy Trust,
Field Top Road,
Rastrick, Brighouse,
West Yorkshire, HD6 3XB.